Different Ways to Recycle Cardboard 

With new beginnings and fresh spaces, you also might have more cardboard boxes than you can imagine. If you’re wondering just what it is that you can do with these boxes, you’re not the only one.  Here, there are different cardboard recycling types, and the magic of turning boxes into new, fun things. 

Cardboard Types 

There are different types of cardboard, and with a diverse selection, you may wonder what the differences are. 

We’ll go over them there. 

First, you’ve got the cardboard packaging, which you find in cereal boxes, shoe boxes, and even packaging for the latest phones and other gadgets. They’re general purpose types of boxes, used to house and offer basic protection to the package. 

Thin cardboard boxes are used for packaging collections of books and DVDs. They are lightweight, flexible to move around, and perfect for anything requiring a snug fit to it.

There are also large cardboard boxes, which are spacious, sturdy, and perfect for bulkier items that are safe, and easy to move about. 

Corrugated boxes are another, and they offer further layers of protection too. Whether you’re shipping a fragile item, or even just storing them, they’re the go-to for your packaging needs.  There’s also the double walled, which is a bodyguard, and perfect for precious items that are a little bit heavy. They come with two corrugated types of layers, so they’re strong. 

Finally, you have flat cardboard boxes, which are good for board games, pictures, even pizzas and the like.  

There are so many different types of cardboard, which is what makes them versatile to recycle, and it does make a huge difference too! 

Ways It’s Recycled 

You may wonder once you’ve got boxes and you recycle them, where do they go? 

Well, here are but a few ways to recycle them: 

  • Cardboard boxes: yes, they may be used as a future box for someone to have shipped to their doorstep 
  • Paper product s: newspapers, notepads, and the like are also made from recycled cardboard, and ti comes in a lot of unique, fun forms 
  • Garden mulch: yes, cardboard can become garden mulch, and it can be some of the best materials for that 
  • Insulation: some people have turned to an eco-friendlier sort of approach for their insulation. This is where the boxes come in, and they are definitely a fun way to recycle in a unique manner. 

Recycling boxes 

When you have cardboard, you may want to recycle it. if you’re not going to use this for something else, then now’s the time. 

Before you recycle it, you should do the following: 

  • Take any materials that aren’t made of cardboard, such as labels and tape 
  • Flatten them, as it makes the job a lot easier 
  • Keep these dry, since if they’re wet, they won’t’ be able to be used 

Then, once it’s dropped off, it can be reused and repurposed. 

Recycling cardboard boxes is good for you, and you’ll be able to do a lot with it. 

The benefits are: 

  • There’s less waste used, and it helps make the planet happier, so you’re being eco friendly. 
  • It lowers the costs of the buying of future boxes. 
  • There are now more jobs because you’re recycling 

With boxes, the best thing to do is to recycle, and cardboard is something that’s great. While you can use them for different things, such as storage, or even building box forts, if you’re not going to, the best way is to recycle, and here, we went over the best ways to do that, in an effective manner.